ISS KIBO Cubesats Launched

We-Wish, RAIKO launched.


Satellite   Downlink           Beacon    Mode
---------   ----------------   -------   -----
WE WISH     437.505            437.505   SSTV, CW
RAIKO       2.2GHz, 13GHz      13GHz     38.4 - 500kbps
---------   ----------------   -------   ------------------

FITSat-1, F1 and TechEdSat launched.

FITSAT-1 F1 TechEdSat

Satellite   Downlink           Beacon    Mode
---------   ----------------   -------   -----
FITSAT-1    437.445, 5.84GHz   437.250   FM,CW
TechEdSat   437.465            437.465   CW
F-1         145.980            437.485   1200bps AFSK,FM,CW
---------   ----------------   -------   ------------------

F1, FITSAT-1 and TechEdSat leaving ISS

F1 FITSAT-1 TechEdSat Leave ISS

[PE0SAT Thanks DK3WN for the above information]

5 thoughts on “ISS KIBO Cubesats Launched

    • Hi, I use program SatPC32 . Where can I find the passage?
      I’m watching the ISS. But no sign. 73 de Paulo PV8DX

      • At the moment you can use the TLE data that corresponds to ISS (but this will change in time when the cubesats drift away) Last night (october 4th, 2012) I heard FITSAT-1 very strong on 437.250.000 MHz in CW. Good luck with listening to FITSAT-1

        73 Jan PE0SAT

    • There are no signals received, the NORAD registration is #38855 with the following TLE data:

      1 38855U 98067CR  12289.19115155  .00048532  00000-0  78813-3 0   127
      2 38855  51.6470 245.0956 0013597 166.9302 193.2044 15.52131184  1518

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