DANDE Telemetry 04-10-2013

DANDE Telemetry 04-10-2013 19:28 – 19:35 UTC using object 2013-055U

Sorry for all the possible confusion. I have to go back to the drawing board because what seemed to be a good fit last night, isn’t working anymore. It is still not clear what TLE to be used with CUSat and DANDE.

1 39273U 13055U   13277.46126644  .06799826  16859-1  11664+0 0   109
2 39273  80.9080 310.2662 0517474 146.5534 210.4066 14.72121854   685

In total 37 frames decoded and object U fitted perfect at the end of the pass.
Below, one of the frames received.

from DANDE-2 to DANDE-1: 
   1 > 64 61 6E 64 65 63 6F 73 67 63 00 06 C1 60 00 04 00 06 7F C1 
  21 > 00 00 00 00 05 F7 04 F7 02 00 D0 02 00 01 02 00 00 FF 02 02 
  41 > 3B 01 90 00 00 02 36 01 08 01 7E 01 8F 01 8B 01 A9 01 9F 28 
  61 > 00 00 01 0F E7 00 19 0D 50 0B DB 0E DD 06 89 05 FC 05 F7 05 
  81 > ED 00 02 05 C7 09 B2 3D 0B 3D 28 0E 1C 0F 25 00 00 64 61 6E 
 101 > 64 65 2E 63 6F 6C 6F 72 61 64 6F 2E 65 64 75 4A 44 

I do have a lot of frames decoded from the late passes from 04-10-2013 and they can be found at the following location.

DANDE Telemetry download: location

One thought on “DANDE Telemetry 04-10-2013

  1. Things are changing

    Sorry for any confusion, but when I tried object U the last pass between
    21:00 – 21:20 UTC it couldn’t be object U. When looking better at the footprint
    I saw it is at another height. So during the pass I switched to object K and this one looks promising.

    1 39275U 13055K   13273.27926685  .00000264 -82884-6  00000+0 0    24
    2 39275  81.0250 314.3354 0805542 152.3853 213.5267 14.15731499    97

    Even at the highest point the Doppler correction was working.

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