PSAT PSK31 Telemetry

PSAT Telemetry 21-05-2015 13:41 UTC PSK31
435.350 NFM – Decoded with DM780

W3ADO-5 beacon B ØØ7  8 44 785 247 +25
W3ADO-5 beacon B ØØ8 93 42 777 247 +25 
W3ADO-5 beacon B ØØ9 87 34 784 247 +26
W3ADO-5 beacon B Ø1Ø 99 37 776 247 +26
W3ADO-5 beacon B Ø11 99 32 782 248 +26
W3ADO-5 beacon B ØØØ 34 45 796 245 +23
W3ADO-5 beacon B ØØ1 9Ø 37 784 249 +25
W3ADO-5 beacon B ØØ2 99 38 775 246 +25 
W3ADO-5 beacon B ØØ3 87 47 779 247 +26
W3ADO-5 beacon B ØØ4 9Ø 48 772 247 +26 
W3ADO-5 beacon B ØØ5 78 23 777 246 +26   
W3ADO-5 beacon B ØØ6 99 38 774 246 +27 
W3ADO-5 beacon B ØØ7 68 38 779 246 +27
W3ADO-5 beacon B ØØ8 99 4D 775 246 +27
W3ADO-5 beacon B ØØ9 68 37 772 246 +26


PSAT Beacon specification:



CALL identification of the beacon (callsign)
beacon keyword indicating beginning of data
MODE A or B (A – transmitter always on, B – transmitter turns on, if BPSK31 signal is present)
NOF number of frame (0 … 999)
DET percentage of BPSK31 detection (0 … 99%)
AGC percentage of AGC operation (0 … 99%)
VC supply voltage (10 mVolts)
IC power amplifier current (mAmps)
TMP temperature of PA transistor (deg C)

The AGC measured voltage is highly nonlinearly dependent on the input signal, morover the limiting values of measurement vary with temperature of the chip and its supply voltage. Indicative only conversion equation was computed as from 50Ohm generator to input of receiver Pin = 0.472xAGC-113.5 [dBm, %]


W3ADO-5 beacon B 044 03 24 540 198 +28

It means mode B active, frame number 044, BPSK31 03 %, AGC acting 24%, supply voltage 5.40V, PA current 198mA ant temperature of the PA transistor of +28°C.

Source: PSAT beacon specification