UO-11 Telemetry

UO-11 Telemetry 22-03-2015 20:08 UTC

UO-11 MixW Decode

UOSAT-2           1404031010357


Solar Eclipse 2015

Solar Eclipse and AO-73 on 20-03-2015 starts 07:41 UTC and ends at 11:50 UTC.


Coming Friday there will be a solar eclipse and during this eclipse there are in my case 3 AO-73 (FUNcube-1) passes that go through this region. Therefore it is interesting to see how this phenomenon influences the satellite.

For my location (JO21) the following times are interesting (Times in CEST = UTC+1)

Solar Eclipse path 20-03-2015

First AO-73 pass in this periode starts 09:21 CEST
Second AO-73 pass in this periode starts 10:57 CEST (best opportunity)
Third AO-73 pass in this periode starts 12:33 CEST

When you look closely to the below image, taken from Oribitron you can see that Sun and Moon fall over each other.


I will listen for the AO-73 beacon during these three passes and upload the data to the FUNcube Warehouse.

NASA | Shadow of the Moon. The Moon’s shadow will create a total solar eclipse. This video presents several visualizations of what this shadow would look like from space, and highlights the areas of the world in the path of the umbra and penumbra.

UWE-3 News

UWE-3 News 12-03-2015:

Software update of all on-board micro-controllers.

In the beginning of February 2015 we uploaded new software images for all UWE-3 subsystems to the satellite, which comprise in total 3 images on 9 micro-controllers. This software was installed thereafter and is since then successfully operational on UWE-3. The software update targeted major improvements for the attitude control of the satellite, which was the focus of tests right after the update.


The satellite now is back to a preliminary un-operated state (switching between the on-board computers every 4 days) while we process the data and decide on future operation plans. Thanks a lot for your great support! Especially we want to thank: CX8AF, DK3WN, EU1XX, G7GQW, IW0HLG, JA0CAW, JA1GDE, JA5BLZ, JA6PL, JE1CVL, JE9PEL, JO1PTD, LU4EOU, ON4HF, PE0SAT, R4UAB, Rainer Rothe, SP7THR, VK5HI.

Yours sincerely, UWE-3 Team

UWE-3 Mission Logo

GRIFEX Telemetry 15-02-2015

GRIFEX Telemetry 15-02-2015 14:46 – 18:04 UTC. It seems that the rotation over the Y axis is stabilizing.


GRIFEX-axisIf you wonder how to project the axises on the satellite, have a look at the image on the right. This gives you an idea what the data collected is possibly telling us.