RAX-2 is Alive

RAX-2 was heard by PA3GUO, here is the data he decoded:

!S 12:36:49 !RAX-1>CQ:nvm8k|b3M?Call fCQ:nvm8k|]vMK@fqq @DPP 3
!S 12:39:50 !Z 8eddlkii47fe75zW^h
!S 12:40:30 !RAX-1>CQ:nvm8k|Q?Jqhmm}Fe 1  _/b[
!S 12:40:31 !M- (8edckkii57fe75w^h
!S 12:40:50 !RAX-1>CQ:nvm8k|VM1!liig0G~s`@*
!S 12:40:51 ! 4zB@ 8ddckkhi57fe75^h
!S 12:41:10 !RAX-1>CQ:nvm8"k|[CMn^mm fH-> Mfw,Bv ^8ddckkhi57fe75^h
!S 12:41:31 !RAX-1>CQ:nvm86k|[ M*PfgYpI^y/V],?5$L 8ddckkhh57fe75Jh
!S 12:41:51 !RAX-1>CQ:nvm8Jk|UiMODcpp 3[J6 W
!S 12:41:51 !HZ$rfrA 8ddckkhi57fe75^h
!S 12:42:51 !RAX-1>CQ:nvWm8k|T H7″ahh3Mk;!UU7′eI-6O988 ~8dcckkhh57fe86bh

First E1P-U2 Recording

I have recorded the following from Explorer-1 [PRIME] I couldn’t decode the data and when I listen to it, I hope I am doing something wrong because it doesn’t sound right.

Audio recording of E1P-U2 at 28-10-2011 12:40 UTC: audio

The signal was very strong ( 9+30db) frequentie used 437.505 MHz FM.

Delta II Launch Successfully

Delta2 RocketDelta II rocket successfully lauched and has deployed his main carco, NPP climate and weather satellite. After that the following CubeSats where also successfully deployed with the P-POD containers.

Confirmed deployment of P-POD-3. This P-POD contains the two-satellite DICE CubeSats
Confirmed deployment of P-POD-2. This P-POD contains the RAX Cubesat
Confirmed deployment of P-POD-1. This P-POD contains AubieSat-1, Explorer-1 Prime, and M-Cubed/COVE

Around 12:30 UTC (14:30 CEST) European Amateur Radio Stations can hear the first transmissions if the CubeSats activate in the right way.

Prospero Audio Files

Prospero audio files recorded on 20, 21 and 24 october 2011. During the recordings I switch sometime from RHCP to LHCP, AM to FW, USB and LSB but most of the recording are in AM modulation.

Prospero-20-10-2011-1854CEST.wav 11,3 MB (No longer available)
Prospero-21-10-2011-1906CEST.wav 92,3 MB (No longer available)
Prospero-24-10-2011-1755CEST.wav 24,1 MB (No longer available)

Maybe someone can perform some further analyses to see if there are other signals then the ones from the ORBCOMM satellites.

Initial CubeSat kepler data

Initial Cubesat TLE data for AubieSat-1, E1P-U2, M-Cubed, RAX-2 and DICE

1 99994U 00000    11301.47661542 0.00000000  00000-0  00000-0 0  0004
2 99994 101.6484 233.3593 0253027 295.2632 199.6027 14.79026571000008
1 99995U 00000    11301.47661542 0.00000000  00000-0  00000-0 0  0005
2 99995 101.6483 233.3593 0252986 295.2628 199.6029 14.79017909000003
1 99996U 00000    11301.47661542 0.00000000  00000-0  00000-0 0  0006
2 99996 101.6483 233.3593 0252943 295.2624 199.6032 14.79009197000007
1 99997U 00000    11301.47777282 0.00000000  00000-0  00000-0 0  0006
2 99997 101.6434 233.3640 0249216 295.6962 205.2960 14.78420752000002
1 99998U 00000    11301.47893023 0.00000000  00000-0  00000-0 0  0009
2 99998 101.6485 233.3603 0247816 295.0284 212.1452 14.77853717000006
1 99999U 00000    11301.47893023 0.00000000  00000-0  00000-0 0  0000
2 99999 101.6484 233.3604 0247744 295.0246 212.1487 14.77838475000007

FO-29 Eclipse Undervoltage Stops Operation

FO-29Information has been received that the FO-29 analog repeater is currently off the air. The eclipse periods have increased to the point exceeding 27% shadowing which causes an undervoltage fault to shut down the satellite.

The FO-29 control station sent commands to reactivate the satellite during daytime passes over Japan between October 8-10. Also at the present time the control station was experiencing computer hardware problems which slowed progress.

[Thanks Mineo, JE9PEL, for the above information]