New SDR# DDE plugin

There is a new SDR# DDETracker plugin.

Ian Gilmour (MM6DOS) has created an add-on to the excellent SDR# program which allows DDE compatible software to control the receive frequency in SDR# Required for best results to correct for the Doppler shift when working with satellites with for example: WXTrack, SatPC32 and Orbitron.

SDR DDETracker

The new version now also supports mode setting. I use this version in combination with SatPC32 and works great. Download the plugin via his website, copy two dll files and add the following to you SDRSharp.exe.Config file. (Newer SDR# version – Plugins.xml)

<add key="DDE Tracker" value="SDRSharp.DDETracker.DdeTrackingPlugin,SDRSharp.DDETracker" />

SDR# DDE Plugin: DDETracker (Version 5 beta: DDETracker V5 beta Binaries)

Update: 04-01-2014

The combination that is working for me, is SDR# Nightly build, the V5 beta binaries from Ian and SatPC32 V.12.8c. When talking to PA3GUO we found out that the current stable version (Rev 1000) isn’t working. When using SatPC32 the DDE interface is configured via the DivOptions.SQF file and I use the following settings:

- (1)
+ (2)
+ (3)
- (4)
- (5)
; Hints
; The  +/- signs in lines 1,2,3,4 and 5 allow manual changes of program
; options whiche cannot be done in the menu 'Setup' and its sub menus. 
; Don't forget to save possible changes, please!  
; All changes require a program re-start to take effect. 
; Line #1: Rotor and CAT steering functions
           +: are available in a 2nd program instance,
;          -: are not available in a 2nd instance (default),
; Line #2: The "general" DDE interface will output data
,          +: constantly, 
;          -: only when the satellites elevation is > 0 (default),
; Line #3: Frequency values sent by the DDE interface
;          +: do not include converter/transverter offsets (default),
;          -: include converter/transverter offsets, 
; Line #4: SatPC32 steers
;          +: only the Downlink frequency and mode,
;          -: Downlink and Uplink frequencies and modes (default)
; Line #5: Auxiliary files will be opened with
;          -: Notepad (default).                    
;          +: the build-in editor.

Delfi-C3 Telemetry 18-08-2013

Delfi-C3 (DO-64) Telemetry 18-08-2013 19:30 UTC

All those carriers around the receive frequency make it difficult to decode some telemetry data, but this evening we could receive about 150 frames.

DO-64 18-08-2013 19:30UTC

Lets see what information is available from those frames. Nice to see that this Satellite that is already 1938 Days in space is still sending so many frames after every reboot.

DO-64 18-08-2013 19:30UTC

Delfispace main website: Delfispace

STRaND-1 Telemetry 04-08-2013

STRaND-1 04-08-2013 18:03 UTC

Here is an image from the orbit that STRaND-1 had during this pass. AOS was in the North-East and LOS almost due South. I am puzzled why STRaND-1 is sometimes much stronger when switching to LHCP. This was such a pass and in the images below you can see the difference.

STRaND-1 SatPC32 04-08-2013 18:03UTC

Date and Time: 04-08-2013 18:03 - 18:17 UTC
Object       : STRAND 1
Max elevation: 54 degree
Azimuth      : 018 - 184 degree
Polarization : LHCP Strongest
Signal       : max 30 dB above noise
Frequency    : 437.568000 MHz FM +/- doppler
Status       : Active
Remark       : LHCP much stronger then RHCP, 518 Frames

Kiss file: STRaND-1_04082013_1754.kss

Signal difference between LHCP and RHCP in the beginning of the pass. You can see the difference when I switch between LHCP and RHCP.

STRaND-1 SDR 04-08-2013 18:03UTC-01

Further in the pass and closer as you can see in the signal strength. And again a big difference in signal strength when switching between LHCP and RHCP.

STRaND-1 SDR 04-08-2013 18:03UTC-02

The last image, is the decoded data from the frames that I received during this pass. It looks that the solar panels on the +Y array are producing the largest amount of power. Does this tell something about the fact that signals are stronger when using LHCP.

STRaND-1 DK3WN 04-08-2013 18:03UTC