TLM decoding software

TLM decoding software

When decoding Satellite telemetry you’ll need software that visualises the raw kiss data. When we are lucky, the Satellite builder has made a program we can feed the received kiss data and make this data visual and understandable.

If the builder hasn’t made a program, then the website from Mike DK3WN is the place to look for a decoder that does this for you, when he is given the raw satellite explanation a decoder will be build and made available. Below a good example for the CubeBUG satellite.

Raw CubeBUG-2 data example:

from CUBEB2-6 to CQ: 
   1 > 3A 45 4D 41 49 4C 20 20 20 20 3A 6D 61 6E 6F 6C 69 74 6F 40 
  21 > 73 61 74 65 6C 6C 6F 67 69 63 2E 63 6F 6D 20 55 70 74 3A 20 
  41 > 30 34 3A 34 31 3A 32 34 20 42 61 74 3A 37 2E 39 34 76 20 54 
  61 > 65 6D 70 3A 32 37 2E 38 43 20 47 79 72 3A 30 2E 35 32 64 2F 
  81 > 73 20 Upt: 04:41:24 Bat:7.94v Temp:27.8C Gyr:0.52d/s

Usable CubeBUG-2 output data example:

CubeBUG-2 TLM 08-01-2014 19:30UTC

Satellite builders software pages:

This is just a small list with version I now of at the moment, please send me updates and additional information to update this list. You can use the contact link to inform me. Thanks for your support.