MASAT-1 (MagyarSat-OSCAR-72 MO-72)
Masat-1 satellite will use the amateur radio frequency band to downlink telemetry data. The downlink data will not be encrypted, so everyone will be able to receive it, decode and process. The decoding software will be freeware and available at this website. This software is capable for real-time receiving and decoding of the telemetry. It can also transmit the received packets to the Ground Station of BME for further research and analysis.
The aim of introducing spaceborne circuit design to undergraduate students, as well as to train a sufficient number of space specialists, thus facilitating future selection processes for space borne developments, two departments of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics decided to jointly launch a long-term educational program in the field of space borne circuit development. Making digital images of the earth and measuring the radiation environment in orbit.
Orbital parameters
Name MASAT-1 NORAD 38081 COSPAR designation 2012-006-E Inclination (degree) 69.473 RAAN 73.052 Eccentricity 0.0708633 ARGP 114.167 Orbit per day 14.22357342 Period 1h 41m 14s (101.23 min) Semi-major axis 7196 km Perigee x apogee 307 x 1327 km? Drag factor 0.001817900 1/ER Mean Anomaly 253.517
437.3450 MHz, 2-FSK (GFSK), 625/1250 bps
Optimized Amateur radio ground station for satellite reception
Launched 13-02-2012 10:00 UTC and active.
Will be launched on ESA Vega maiden flight at the end of January
The Masat-1 Ground Station Client Software is prepared to process the transmission received from the satellite Masat-1. The SW provides the following functionalities: Audio demodulation, Packet decoding, Packet data visualization, Frequency waterfall plot to aid radio tuning. Download the software via the following link
Nice to receive a QSL Card from the HASAT team.
Homepage and other references:
Budapest University Masat-1 homepage
Sharing Earth observation resources: eoPortal