Today November 6 at 07:35:49 UTC a Dnepr rocket carrying the primary payload Asnaro-1 and four microsatellites was launched from Dombarovsky near Yasny. Kosmotras report all spacecraft have been inserted into their target orbits.
- ChubuSat-1 (Kinshachi-1) 437.485 MHz
- Tsubame 437.505 and 437.275 MHz
- Hodoyoshi-1 467.674 MHz
- QSAT-EOS (Tsukushi) an AX.25 GMSK payload has been reported but the frequency is unknown.
Kosmotras announcement can be found at:
TSUBAME 1 99998U 14310.32625444 .00000779 00000-0 51437-4 0 00004 2 99998 097.4574 029.7895 0049163 177.7821 352.1497 15.06489506000015