DNepr Launch 06-11-2014

dneprToday November 6 at 07:35:49 UTC a Dnepr rocket carrying the primary payload Asnaro-1 and four microsatellites was launched from Dombarovsky near Yasny. Kosmotras report all spacecraft have been inserted into their target orbits.

  • ChubuSat-1 (Kinshachi-1) 437.485 MHz
  • Tsubame 437.505 and 437.275 MHz
  • Hodoyoshi-1 467.674 MHz
  • QSAT-EOS (Tsukushi) an AX.25 GMSK payload has been reported but the frequency is unknown.

Kosmotras announcement can be found at: http://www.kosmotras.ru/en/news/155/

1 99998U          14310.32625444  .00000779  00000-0  51437-4 0 00004
2 99998 097.4574 029.7895 0049163 177.7821 352.1497 15.06489506000015

Source: Amsat-UK, eoPortal and R4UAB

Launches in April

Launches in April 2013

Date Launching Launch Vehicle – site
April 17, 2013
Phonesat-1 and -2 Antares-110 – Wallops Flight Facility
April 19, 2013
BeeSAT 2 and 3 Soyuz-2.1a – Baikonur, Kazakhstan
April 19, 2013
OSSI-1 Soyuz-2.1a – Baikonur, Kazakhstan
April 19, 2013
SOMP Soyuz-2.1a – Baikonur, Kazakhstan
April 20, 2013
Phonesat-1 and -2 Antares-110 – Wallops Flight Facility
April 21, 2013
Phonesat-1 and -2 Antares-110 – Wallops Flight Facility
April 26, 2013
CubeBug-1 CZ-2D from the Jiuquan Space Center
April 26, 2013
TURKSAT-3USAT CZ-2D from the Jiuquan Space Center


437.425 MHz

Hello CubeSats and Amateur Radio Operators

The very first PhoneSat’s will be launching aboard the Antares on April 17th at 2100 GMT (launch window to April 19th possibly further). We have manifested 2x PhoneSat 1.0 and 1x PhoneSat 2.0 Beta.

Our orbit is very low (270km x 300km 51.6deg) and we’ll only be up there for 2 weeks! So we’re looking for as many people as possible to help with tracking our satellites. If any of you are interested in tracking the satellite please let myself (+the cc’d team) know – your help will be greatly appreciated!

All three satellites will be transmitting on 437.425MHz and TLE’s + more info can be found at www.phonesat.org . Feel free to tune-in and submit packets via www.phonesat.org.

The Cubesats are launched, deployed and active.